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String Quartet #2 (20:50) My second journey into the world of string quartet is once again inspired by Beethoven, the greatest quartet composer of all time. It was written in response to a call for…
Sonata for Piano and Percussion (23:00) Sonata for Piano and Percussion is scored for three percussionists and piano. It is at times a chamber piano concerto and at other times a percussion ensemble that includes…
Sono Visto for Flute and Voice (6:40) Sono Visto was inspired by flutist Lindsey Goodman, who is not only an amazing flutist, but also a vocal artist. The piece was originally conceived as a solo,…
6 for 5 – Suite for Wind Quintet (20:45) The six parts of this suite are all composed from the same basic raw material, but varied rhythmically and melodically according to the nature of each. …
Five Madrigals for Brass Quintet (18:30) Each of these five-part “songs” for brass quintet is based on a stanza from the poem below, composed using the 7-syllable and 11-syllable lines characteristic of madrigal form. We…
String Quartet #1 – Lineal (18:30) My first venture into the hallowed territory of string quartet is inspired primarily by Beethoven’s monumental contribution to the genre, particularly the late quartets. It is conservative in the…